Meraki Darling creates...

slow living travel experiences in a form of festive gatherings & small detox breaks from daily routine, approached through contemporary spirituality, creative activities, physical movement & creative explorations in nature.

Meraki Darling sea view two sunbeds

…giving strong emphasis on the power of now, living & experiencing the present moment.

greece sea resort meraki darling
Beach where locals go in chania, crete

For the curious
for the wanderers
for the mystique ones
for the romantics

for the searchers,
for the simple ones,
for the solos

Chania Hidden coves

…and for everyone who wish to challenge themselves with a new experience in Greece we can plan for you a special trip with the love and dedication we have when we plan our own unique travels!

meraki.darling relaxing resort in crete greece- sunbathing

Remind yourself what it feels like to spend few days careless, focused only on the present.
No distractions, just you and a dreamy scenery in nature.”